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  • The Legal Framework of Gelephu Mindfulness City: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Application of Laws Act 2024

The Legal Framework of Gelephu Mindfulness City: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Application of Laws Act 2024

The establishment of the Gelephu Mindfulness City Special Administrative Region (GMC) represents one of the most innovative legal and administrative experiments in modern governance. On February 13, 2024 (the 1st day of the 1st month of the Male Wood Dragon Year according to the Bhutanese calendar), His Majesty the Druk Gyalpo of Bhutan granted the GMC Royal Charter No. 1 of 2024, creating a special jurisdiction with substantial autonomy within the Kingdom of Bhutan. This momentous development was followed by the enactment of the Application of Laws Act 2024, which came into operation on December 26, 2024, establishing the comprehensive legal foundation for this ambitious project.

The GMC represents a pioneering approach to urban development and governance, blending Bhutanese cultural values of mindfulness and sustainability with internationally recognized legal frameworks designed to attract global investment and foster innovation. This legal transplantation strategy carefully selects elements from highly successful jurisdictions—specifically Singapore and Abu Dhabi Global Market—to create a hybrid system specifically engineered to provide legal certainty, business-friendly regulations, and efficient dispute resolution mechanisms while maintaining alignment with Bhutan's distinctive national ethos.

The Application of Laws Act 2024 meticulously delineates which external legal frameworks apply, the precise manner of their application, mechanisms for their modification to suit local conditions, procedures for resolving conflicts between different legal sources, and provisions for the gradual development of specialized institutions. This article provides an exhaustive analysis of this intricate legal architecture, examining its theoretical foundations, practical implementations, and implications for businesses, investors, and residents of the GMC.

Historical and Constitutional Context

Bhutan's Legal Evolution

The Kingdom of Bhutan has undergone remarkable legal transformation in recent decades. Transitioning from a traditional legal system based primarily on Buddhist principles and customary law to a constitutional monarchy in 2008, Bhutan has methodically developed a modern legal framework while preserving its cultural identity. The creation of the GMC represents the latest evolution in this journey, introducing a specialized economic and administrative zone with significant legal autonomy.

Bhutan's unique development philosophy, centered around Gross National Happiness rather than purely economic metrics, has influenced its approach to modernization and global integration. The GMC concept represents an innovative attempt to harmonize international best practices in commercial and financial regulation with Bhutan's commitment to sustainable and mindful development.

The Royal Charter as Constitutional Foundation

The GMC Royal Charter No. 1 of 2024, granted by His Majesty the Druk Gyalpo on February 13, 2024, serves as the constitutional foundation for the Special Administrative Region. This landmark document establishes the GMC's status, boundaries, and relationship with the Kingdom of Bhutan. Article 3 of the Charter establishes the GMC Authority as the governing institution for the region, while Article 4 delineates its powers.

Article 4(1) empowers the GMC Authority to establish administrative, regulatory, and judicial bodies, setting the stage for institutional development. Article 4(2) grants the Authority legislative powers to enact laws for the governance of the GMC. This constitutional authorization forms the legal basis for the Application of Laws Act 2024, which operationalizes the Charter's provisions by establishing a detailed framework for the GMC's legal system.

The Charter's provisions reflect careful constitutional engineering, balancing autonomy for the GMC with integration into the broader Bhutanese state structure. This approach follows models of special administrative regions and economic zones in other jurisdictions while adapting them to Bhutan's unique constitutional context.

The GMC Authority: Powers and Functions

Institutional Structure and Governance

The GMC Authority, established under Article 3 of the Royal Charter, stands as the central governance institution for the Special Administrative Region. The Application of Laws Act further defines and elaborates on the Authority's extensive powers, creating a comprehensive governance framework for the initial development phase of the GMC.

Section 11 of the Act establishes that until specialized bodies are created, the GMC Authority will exercise all executive and judicial functions arising from the Act. This consolidated approach during the establishment phase provides for efficient implementation and coordinated development. The Authority effectively functions as a legislature, executive, and judiciary during this initial period, with the Act contemplating gradual institutional specialization as the GMC develops.

The Authority's composition, appointment procedures, and internal governance structures are not detailed in the Application of Laws Act, suggesting that these aspects are likely addressed in the Royal Charter or in separate GMC legislation. This institutional flexibility allows for adaptation as the GMC evolves from its initial establishment toward more mature governance structures.

Legislative Powers

The Authority possesses extensive legislative powers under both the Royal Charter and the Application of Laws Act. Section 6 of the Act explicitly preserves the Authority's powers to enact laws (including subsidiary legislation) for the governance of the GMC, "including and not limited to matters relating to land, taxation or crime." This broad grant of legislative authority enables the GMC to develop specialized frameworks in key areas while building on the incorporated legal foundations from Singapore and ADGM.

The legislative powers extend to both primary legislation and subsidiary instruments such as regulations, orders, and by-laws. Section 2 of the Act defines "subsidiary legislation" to include "any order in council, proclamation, rule, regulation, order, notification, by-law or other instrument made under any Act, Ordinance or other lawful authority and having legislative effect." This comprehensive definition provides the Authority with multiple legislative tools for different regulatory purposes.

The Act also empowers the Authority to amend Schedules A and B, which enumerate the Singapore enactments and ADGM financial services regulations that apply in the GMC. This power enables the Authority to expand or contract the scope of incorporated foreign laws as the GMC's needs evolve, providing crucial flexibility in the legal framework.

Regulatory and Executive Functions

Until specialized regulatory bodies are established, the GMC Authority exercises comprehensive regulatory and executive functions across all sectors governed by the incorporated laws. These functions include:

  • Company registration and corporate governance oversight

  • Employment regulation and foreign manpower management

  • Tax administration and collection

  • Immigration and customs control

  • Financial services licensing and supervision

  • Data protection enforcement

  • Property registration and taxation

The Act provides that references in incorporated laws to specific Singaporean or ADGM regulatory authorities are interpreted as references to the GMC Authority until specialized bodies are established. This provision ensures continuity of regulatory functions while allowing for institutional development.

Section 8 empowers the Authority to issue Guidance with respect to interpretation and application of laws, resolution of conflicts between different legal sources, and other matters. This guidance power provides an important regulatory tool for clarifying legal requirements and ensuring consistent application of the complex hybrid legal framework.

Judicial Functions

The Authority's temporary exercise of judicial functions represents one of the most distinctive aspects of the GMC's initial governance structure. Section 4(4)(b) provides that references to courts in incorporated Singapore enactments shall refer to the GMC Authority "unless and until the GMC Authority establishes a separate judiciary under Article 4(1) of the Royal Charter." Section 5(4)(b) contains a parallel provision for references to courts in ADGM regulations.

This temporary consolidation of judicial functions within the Authority raises important questions about separation of powers and judicial independence. However, the Act's language clearly indicates that this arrangement is transitional, with the expectation that a separate judiciary will be established as the GMC develops. The reference to establishing "an independent judiciary" in Section 5(4)(b) suggests a commitment to judicial independence in the GMC's institutional development.

The Act does not specify the procedures, standards, or timelines for judicial functions during this transitional period. These aspects may be addressed in separate GMC legislation or in guidance issued by the Authority under Section 8.

Conflict Resolution and Gap-Filling Powers

Section 7 empowers the Authority to determine applicable laws for matters not explicitly governed by the incorporated Singapore common law, Singapore enactments, or ADGM financial services regulations. This determination power provides an important mechanism for addressing gaps in the legal framework.

Section 10 further authorizes the Authority to "modify or substitute" provisions in incorporated enactments "where it considers it necessary or expedient for the purpose of removing any difficulty or conflict, whether arising from local conditions or circumstances or otherwise." This broad power enables the Authority to address unforeseen complications in the application of foreign legal provisions to the GMC context.

These conflict resolution and gap-filling powers provide essential flexibility in implementing a complex hybrid legal system, allowing for pragmatic adjustments while maintaining the overall coherence of the legal framework.

The Hybrid Legal System: Three Pillars

The legal framework of the GMC rests on three distinct pillars, creating a sophisticated hybrid system that combines elements from different legal traditions to create a comprehensive and business-friendly environment.

Pillar 1: The Common Law of Singapore

Integration Mechanism

Section 3(1) of the Application of Laws Act incorporates the common law of Singapore, as it evolves over time, into the law of the GMC. This incorporation is subject to four crucial qualifications:

  • The common law applies "so far as it is applicable to the circumstances of the GMC"

  • It is subject to "such modifications as the circumstances of the GMC may require"

  • It is subject to "any amendment by a GMC law"

  • It is subject to "any amendment by a Singapore enactment, unless specifically disapplied by the GMC Authority"

These qualifications create a dynamic relationship between Singapore's common law and the GMC context, allowing for both automatic updates as Singapore's jurisprudence evolves and specific adaptations to GMC circumstances.

Scope and Content

Section 3(2) clarifies that the incorporated common law includes "the common law of England, and includes the principles and rules of equity, so far as it was part of the law of Singapore immediately before 12 November 1993." This provision establishes continuity with the established Anglo-Commonwealth legal tradition while benefiting from Singapore's refinements and adaptations of these principles to an Asian context.

The reference to November 12, 1993, corresponds to the date of Singapore's Application of English Law Act, which formally defined the extent to which English law applied in Singapore. This specific historical reference point provides clarity regarding which aspects of English common law are incorporated into GMC law.

The incorporation of principles and rules of equity alongside common law provides the GMC with a comprehensive system of judge-made law addressing both legal and equitable rights and remedies. This dual system, characteristic of jurisdictions in the English legal tradition, provides flexible remedial mechanisms particularly valuable in commercial contexts.

Dynamic Incorporation

Section 3(3) establishes that "if a particular rule or principle of the common law of Singapore is abolished or modified in Singapore, such abolishment or modification shall take effect in the GMC, subject to subsection (1) above." This provision creates an automatic updating mechanism, ensuring that the GMC's common law remains aligned with Singapore's evolving jurisprudence without requiring constant legislative intervention.

This dynamic incorporation approach differs from the static reception of foreign law found in some legal systems, where foreign law is received as it existed at a particular historical moment. The GMC's approach creates an ongoing relationship with Singapore's legal development, allowing the GMC to benefit from continued refinements and adaptations in Singapore while retaining the ability to diverge where appropriate.

Advantages of Singapore Common Law

The selection of Singapore's common law as the foundation for the GMC's legal system offers several strategic advantages:

  • Commercial Sophistication: Singapore has developed a commercially sophisticated common law that addresses complex business transactions, corporate governance, financial services, and international commerce.

  • Asian Context: Singapore's adaptation of English common law principles to an Asian context provides a model for the GMC's own contextual adaptation process.

  • International Recognition: Singapore's judiciary and legal system enjoy strong international recognition and credibility, particularly in commercial matters.

  • Legal Certainty: The extensive body of Singapore case law provides clear precedents for many commercial situations, enhancing legal certainty for businesses operating in the GMC.

  • Judicial Methodology: The common law methodology, with its emphasis on precedent, incremental development, and practical reasoning, provides flexibility to address new situations while maintaining consistency.

This strategic choice positions the GMC to develop a sophisticated commercial law system while benefiting from Singapore's decades of experience in adapting common law principles to an Asian jurisdiction.

Pillar 2: Singapore Statutory Enactments

Selection and Incorporation

Section 4 and Schedule A of the Act incorporate eighteen specific Singapore enactments into GMC law. These statutes are not randomly selected but rather represent a carefully curated collection of laws addressing key aspects of commercial activity and governance. The selection demonstrates a focus on creating a comprehensive business and regulatory framework while avoiding areas that might be less relevant to the GMC's development priorities or more sensitive from a policy perspective.

The incorporated statutes address the following key areas:

Business Formation and Operation

  • Companies Act 1967: Provides comprehensive regulation of company formation, governance, management, shareholder rights, and corporate finance

  • Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act 2018: Addresses business failure, restructuring options, and liquidation procedures

Commercial Transactions

  • Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 2007: Modifies traditional privity of contract rules to allow specified third parties to enforce contractual terms

  • Sale of Goods Act 1979: Regulates contracts for the sale of goods, including terms, conditions, warranties, and remedies

  • Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977: Restricts the ability to exclude or limit liability through contract terms, particularly in standard form contracts

  • Electronic Transactions Act 2010: Provides legal recognition for electronic records, signatures, and contracts


  • Employment Act 1968: Establishes basic employment terms, conditions, and protections

  • Employment of Foreign Manpower Act 1990: Regulates the employment of foreign workers, including work pass requirements


  • Goods and Services Tax Act 1993: Establishes a value-added tax system for goods and services

  • Income Tax Act 1947: Provides the framework for corporate and personal income taxation

  • Property Tax Act 1960: Establishes taxation of real property

  • Stamp Duties Act 1929: Imposes duties on specified instruments and transactions

  • Immigration and Customs
  • Immigration Act 1959: Regulates entry, exit, and residence of non-citizens

  • Customs Act 1960: Regulates import and export of goods and collection of customs duties

Data Protection and Information

  • Personal Data Protection Act 2012: Regulates collection, use, and disclosure of personal data​

  • Spam Control Act 2007: Regulates unsolicited commercial electronic messages

  • Official Secrets Act 1935: Protects official information and state secrets

Legal Interpretation

  • Interpretation Act 1965: Provides rules and principles for interpreting legislation

This selection creates a comprehensive statutory framework for business operations while leaving significant areas (such as criminal law, family law, and social welfare) potentially subject to Bhutanese law under Section 7(2) of the Act.

Application Mechanism

Section 4(1) provides that the Singapore enactments "as amended from time to time" apply in the GMC. This dynamic incorporation approach ensures that the GMC benefits from ongoing refinements and updates to these laws in Singapore, similar to the approach for common law.

Like the common law incorporation, this statutory incorporation is subject to four qualifications under Section 4(3):

  • The enactments apply "so far as it is applicable to the circumstances of the GMC"

  • They are subject to "such modifications as the circumstances of the GMC may require"

  • They are subject to "any amendment by a GMC law"

  • They are subject to "any amendment by a Singapore enactment, unless specifically disapplied by the GMC Authority"

These qualifications provide flexibility for adaptation while maintaining alignment with Singapore's legislative developments.

Section 4(5) further provides that "if an enactment specified in Schedule A is repealed or modified in Singapore, such repeal or modification shall take effect in the GMC, subject to subsection (3) above." This automatic updating provision ensures ongoing alignment with Singapore's
statutory framework while preserving the GMC's ability to diverge where appropriate.


Section 4(4) specifies crucial modifications to these incorporated enactments:

  • References to Singaporean authorities, boards, licensing officers, or authorized officers are interpreted as references to the GMC Authority "unless and until the GMC Authority establishes other administrative and regulatory bodies and agencies and appoints such officers or persons under Article 4(1) of the Royal Charter"

  • References to Singaporean courts are interpreted as references to the GMC Authority "unless and until the GMC Authority establishes a separate judiciary under Article 4(1) of the Royal Charter"

  • References to other Singaporean laws are interpreted as references to equivalent GMC laws "unless the circumstances require otherwise"

  • "Such other modifications as may be prescribed by the GMC Authority from time to time"

These modifications address the practical challenges of implementing foreign statutes in a new jurisdiction, particularly during the initial establishment phase when specialized institutions may not yet exist.

Strategic Advantages

The incorporation of these specific Singapore statutes offers several strategic advantages:

  • Legal Certainty: Businesses operating in the GMC can rely on well-established statutory frameworks with extensive jurisprudence and commentary.

  • International Familiarity: Singapore's legal system is internationally recognized and familiar to many multinational businesses, reducing legal adaptation costs.

  • Regional Integration: The alignment with Singapore law facilitates regional business integration and legal harmonization.

  • Administrative Efficiency: The GMC can benefit from Singapore's regulatory experience and administrative practices in implementing these laws.

  • Comprehensive Coverage: The selected statutes provide a comprehensive framework for business operations without requiring immediate development of GMC-specific legislation in these areas.

This approach allows the GMC to focus its legislative resources on areas requiring local customization while relying on proven statutory frameworks for core business and regulatory functions.

Pillar 3: Abu Dhabi Global Market Financial Services Laws

Strategic Selection

Section 5 and Schedule B incorporate the Abu Dhabi Global Market's Financial Services and Markets Regulations 2015 and specified rules promulgated under these regulations. This strategic selection brings a sophisticated financial services regulatory framework specifically designed for an international financial center operating within a civil law jurisdiction.

The ADGM, established in 2015, created a common law jurisdiction within the United Arab Emirates, with a financial regulatory framework based on UK models but adapted to regional circumstances. This innovative legal transplant provides a recent and relevant model for the GMC's own legal hybridization strategy.

The incorporation of ADGM financial regulations alongside Singapore's common law and statutory framework creates a unique hybrid that combines the strengths of two internationally recognized financial and commercial centers.

Scope of Incorporated Regulations

Schedule B incorporates the Financial Services and Markets Regulations 2015 along with ten specific rulebooks promulgated under these regulations:

  • Anti-Money Laundering and Sanctions Rules and Guidance (AML): Establishes comprehensive requirements for preventing money laundering, terrorist financing, and sanctions violations.

  • Captive Insurance Business Rules (CIB): Provides a regulatory framework for captive insurance companies, allowing businesses to self-insure within a regulated environment.

  • Conduct of Business Rulebook (COBS): Establishes standards for business conduct by financial services firms, including requirements for fair treatment of customers, disclosure, and management of conflicts of interest.

  • Fund Rules (FUNDS): Regulates the establishment, operation, and marketing of investment funds, including requirements for fund managers, administrators, and custodians.

  • General Rulebook (GEN): Provides overarching regulatory requirements applicable across financial services sectors, including licensing standards, corporate governance requirements, and regulatory reporting obligations.

  • Glossary (GLO): Defines key terms used throughout the regulatory framework, ensuring consistent interpretation.

  • Market Infrastructure Rulebook (MIR): Regulates market infrastructure providers such as exchanges, clearing houses, and settlement systems.

  • Market Rules (MKT): Establishes requirements for securities offerings, continuous disclosure by issuers, and market conduct.

  • Prudential — Insurance Business (PIN): Establishes capital, solvency, and risk management requirements for insurance companies.

  • Prudential — Investment, Insurance Intermediation and Banking Rules (PRU): Establishes capital, liquidity, and risk management requirements for banks, investment firms, and insurance intermediaries.

This comprehensive regulatory framework covers the full spectrum of financial services activities, providing a sophisticated basis for developing the GMC as a financial center.

Application Mechanism

  • Similar to the Singapore enactments, Section 5(1) provides that the ADGM financial services laws "as amended from time to time" apply in the GMC. This dynamic incorporation approach ensures ongoing alignment with ADGM's regulatory evolution.

  • Section 5(3) subjects this incorporation to qualifications similar to those for Singapore law:

  • The regulations apply "so far as it is applicable to the circumstances of the GMC"

  • They are subject to "such modifications as the circumstances of the GMC may require"

  • They are subject to "any amendment by a GMC law"

  • They are subject to "any amendment in the Abu Dhabi Global Market, which shall apply and form part of the law of the GMC, unless specifically disapplied by the GMC Authority"

Section 5(5) further provides that "if a law specified in Schedule B is repealed or modified in the Abu Dhabi Global Market, such repeal or modification shall take effect in the GMC, subject to subsection (3) above." This automatic updating mechanism ensures that the GMC's financial regulatory framework remains aligned with international standards as reflected in ADGM's evolving regulations.


Section 5(4) specifies crucial modifications to these incorporated regulations:

  • References to the ADGM Regulator are interpreted as references to the GMC Authority "until the GMC Authority establishes the administrative and regulatory bodies and agencies and appoints such officers or persons under Article 4(1) of the Royal Charter"

  • References to ADGM courts are interpreted as references to the GMC Authority "until the GMC Authority establishes an independent judiciary under Article 4(1) of the Royal Charter"

  • References to other UAE laws are interpreted as references to equivalent GMC laws "unless the circumstances require otherwise"

  • References to other ADGM rules are interpreted as references to equivalent GMC laws "unless the circumstances require otherwise"
  • "All references to Islamic finance are abolished"

  • "Such other modifications as may be prescribed by the GMC Authority from time to time"

  • These modifications adapt the ADGM framework to the GMC context while maintaining its core regulatory approach. The specific abolishment of references to Islamic finance represents a policy choice to focus on conventional financial services, at least initially.

Strategic Advantages

The incorporation of ADGM financial regulations offers several strategic advantages:

  • Regulatory Sophistication: The ADGM framework provides a state-of-the-art financial regulatory system based on international best practices.
  • Adaptability to New Context: As a recently established financial center that adapted UK regulatory models to a Middle Eastern context, ADGM provides a relevant model for adaptation to the GMC context.

  • Comprehensive Coverage: The incorporated regulations provide detailed requirements across all major financial services sectors, eliminating the need for immediate development of GMC-specific financial regulations.

  • International Recognition: The ADGM regulatory framework aligns with international standards and has gained recognition from major financial regulators globally.

  • Regional Distinctiveness: The selection of ADGM regulations alongside Singapore law creates a distinctive regulatory position that differentiates the GMC from other financial centers in the region.

This strategic incorporation positions the GMC to develop as a specialized financial center with a regulatory framework specifically designed for international financial services activities.

Conflict Resolution Mechanisms

The integration of legal elements from different sources—Singapore common law, Singapore statutes, ADGM financial regulations, and potentially Bhutanese law—creates potential for conflicts and inconsistencies. The Application of Laws Act establishes sophisticated mechanisms for resolving such conflicts:

Hierarchy of Legal Sources

Section 7(3) establishes a clear hierarchy between Singapore enactments and ADGM financial services laws: "Where there is a conflict between a Singapore enactment and an Abu Dhabi Global Market financial services law that apply in the GMC, the Singapore enactment shall prevail over the Abu Dhabi Global Market financial services law, unless otherwise determined by the GMC Authority."

This provision creates a rebuttable presumption in favor of Singapore enactments, while preserving the Authority's power to determine otherwise in specific cases. This flexibility allows for context-sensitive resolution of conflicts while providing a default rule for legal certainty.

Residual Application of Bhutanese Law

Section 7(2) addresses matters not explicitly governed by the incorporated laws: "For the purposes of subsection (1), the laws of the Kingdom of Bhutan shall continue to apply for all other matters, save that Singapore laws shall have presumptive effect for all civil and commercial matters, and Singapore laws shall have persuasive effect in the application of all other laws in the GMC, subject to such modifications as the circumstances require for them to apply to GMC."

This provision creates a sophisticated framework for addressing legal gaps:

Bhutanese law applies as the default for matters not governed by incorporated laws

Singapore law has "presumptive effect" for civil and commercial matters

Singapore law has "persuasive effect" in the application of all other laws

While the precise meanings of "presumptive effect" and "persuasive effect" are not defined in the Act, these terms suggest different degrees of deference to Singapore law—with stronger deference in civil and commercial contexts and weaker deference in other areas.

GMC Authority Determination Power

Section 7(1) empowers the GMC Authority to "determine the applicable laws" for matters not governed by the incorporated laws. This determination power provides an important mechanism for addressing legal uncertainties through authoritative rulings.

The relationship between this determination power and the residual application of Bhutanese law under Section 7(2) is not explicitly defined, suggesting that the Authority's determinations may override the default rules when specifically exercised.

Guidance Power

Section 8 empowers the GMC Authority to "give Guidance" with respect to:

  • "the general principles of interpretation applicable to any provision of this Act or any GMC laws"

  • "the interpretation or resolution of any conflict between the laws applied pursuant to Articles 3, 4, and 5 above"

  • "the specific effect of any provision of this Act or any GMC laws"

  • "giving effect to matters set out in Article 7 above"

  • "any other matter which it appears to the GMC Authority to be desirable to give Guidance"

This guidance power provides an important tool for clarifying the application of the complex hybrid legal system, particularly in addressing potential conflicts or ambiguities. The non-binding nature of guidance (as opposed to legislative amendments) provides flexibility while enhancing legal certainty.

Modification Power

Section 10 authorizes the GMC Authority to "modify or substitute" provisions in incorporated enactments "where it considers it necessary or expedient for the purpose of removing any difficulty or conflict, whether arising from local conditions or circumstances or otherwise." This modification power provides a direct mechanism for addressing conflicts through targeted interventions in specific provisions.

Together, these mechanisms create a sophisticated framework for addressing the inevitable tensions and inconsistencies that arise from combining elements from different legal systems. The framework balances the need for legal certainty with flexibility to address specific contexts and evolving circumstances.

Administrative and Judicial Functions

Transitional Governance Model

Section 11 of the Act establishes a transitional governance model: "To avoid doubt, until and unless the GMC Authority establishes appropriate executive and judicial bodies, all executive and judicial functions arising from this Act, shall be carried out by the GMC Authority or such persons or bodies as may be authorised in writing by the GMC Authority."

This provision acknowledges the practical challenges of immediately establishing specialized institutions in a new jurisdiction. By consolidating executive and judicial functions within the Authority during the initial phase, the Act allows for coordinated implementation while contemplating gradual institutional specialization.

The transitional nature of this arrangement is emphasized by repeated references throughout the Act to the future establishment of specialized bodies under Article 4(1) of the Royal Charter. This approach recognizes the importance of institutional specialization and separation of powers in the long term while providing pragmatic governance during the establishment phase.

Future Executive and Regulatory Development

Sections 4(4)(a) and 5(4)(a) anticipate the establishment of specialized administrative and regulatory bodies to replace the GMC Authority's direct exercise of these functions. The Act does not specify timelines or procedures for this institutional development, providing flexibility for the Authority to determine the appropriate pace and structure of specialization.

The potential areas for specialized regulatory bodies include:

  • Financial services regulation

  • Company registration and corporate oversight

  • Employment regulation

  • Immigration and customs

  • Tax administration

  • Data protection

The development of these specialized institutions will be crucial for the long-term effectiveness and credibility of the GMC's regulatory framework, particularly in areas requiring specialized expertise.

Judicial Development

Sections 4(4)(b) and 5(4)(b) anticipate the establishment of a separate judiciary to replace the GMC Authority's direct exercise of judicial functions. Section 5(4)(b) specifically refers to establishing "an independent judiciary," suggesting a commitment to judicial independence in the GMC's institutional development.

The development of an independent judiciary raises several important questions:

  1. What will be the relationship between GMC courts and Bhutanese courts?

  2. Will judges be appointed from Bhutan, Singapore, or internationally?

  3. What procedures will govern judicial proceedings?

  4. Will appeals be possible, and if so, to what body?

The resolution of these questions will be crucial for building confidence in the GMC's legal system and attracting international business.

Regulatory Coordination

The incorporation of regulatory frameworks from different sources raises challenges of coordination and coherence. The initial consolidation of regulatory functions within the GMC Authority provides for coordinated implementation but may need to evolve toward greater specialization as the complexity of regulated activities increases.

The development of mechanisms for regulatory coordination, both within the GMC and with relevant authorities in Bhutan, Singapore, and ADGM, will be important for ensuring effective implementation of the hybrid legal framework.

Investment and Business Framework

The legal foundation established by the Application of Laws Act creates a comprehensive framework for investment and business activities within the GMC. The incorporation of Singapore's commercial laws and ADGM's financial regulations provides sophisticated structures for various business activities.

Corporate Structure and Governance

Company Formation and Governance

The incorporation of the Singapore Companies Act 1967 provides businesses with a familiar and well-tested framework for corporate formation, governance, and compliance. This Act offers:

Multiple Corporate Forms: The Act provides for various corporate structures, including private companies limited by shares, public companies, companies limited by guarantee, and unlimited companies. This diversity allows businesses to select appropriate forms for different activities and risk profiles.

Formation Procedures: The Act establishes straightforward procedures for company incorporation, including requirements for company constitution, registered office, directors, share capital, and registration.

Corporate Governance Framework: The Act provides detailed requirements for corporate governance, including:

  • Director duties and responsibilities

  • Shareholder rights and remedies

  • Company meetings and resolutions

  • Corporate disclosure and transparency

  • Related party transactions

  • Minority shareholder protections

Corporate Finance: The Act regulates key aspects of corporate finance, including:

  • Share issuance and capital maintenance

  • Dividend distributions

  • Financial assistance restrictions

  • Debentures and charges

  • Corporate Compliance: The Act establishes ongoing compliance requirements, including:

  • Annual returns and financial statements

  • Audit requirements

  • Company registers and records

  • Disclosure of substantial shareholdings

The incorporation of this sophisticated corporate framework provides legal certainty for businesses establishing operations in the GMC while allowing for adaptations to local circumstances.

Insolvency and Restructuring

The incorporation of Singapore's Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act 2018 provides a modern framework for addressing business distress and failure. This comprehensive statute includes:

Corporate Rescue Mechanisms: The Act provides various options for business rehabilitation, including:

  • Judicial management (similar to US Chapter 11 administration)

  • Schemes of arrangement

  • Simplified insolvency procedures for small companies

Liquidation Procedures: The Act establishes orderly procedures for company liquidation, including:

  1. Voluntary liquidation by shareholders

  2. Compulsory liquidation by creditors

  3. Appointment and powers of liquidators

  4. Distribution of assets

Cross-Border Insolvency: The Act incorporates the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency, facilitating coordination of multi-jurisdictional insolvency proceedings.

Director Liability: The Act provides for potential director liability in cases of wrongful or fraudulent trading, creating incentives for responsible corporate governance.

This comprehensive insolvency framework provides certainty for both businesses and creditors regarding potential business failure scenarios, encouraging investment while protecting creditor interests.

Commercial Transactions

Contract Law Framework

The incorporation of Singapore common law provides a sophisticated contract law framework based on English common law principles but adapted to Asian commercial contexts. This framework includes:

  • Formation Principles: Clear rules regarding offer, acceptance, consideration, intention to create legal relations, and certainty of terms.

  • Interpretation Approach: Sophisticated principles for contract interpretation, focusing on objective meaning within commercial context.

  • Performance and Breach: Well-developed doctrines regarding performance, breach, repudiation, and remedies.

  • Defenses and Vitiating Factors: Established principles regarding misrepresentation, mistake, duress, undue influence, and illegality.

  • Remedies: Comprehensive remedial options including damages, specific performance, injunctions, and rescission.

This common law framework is supplemented by specific statutory provisions, including:

Third Party Rights: The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 2007 modifies traditional privity of contract principles to allow specified third parties to enforce contractual terms.

Sale of Goods: The Sale of Goods Act 1979 provides a comprehensive framework for sales transactions, including:

  • Transfer of title and risk

  • Implied terms regarding quality, fitness, and description

  • Delivery and acceptance

Remedies for breach

  • Unfair Terms Control: The Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 restricts the ability to exclude or limit liability through contract terms, particularly in standard form contracts and consumer contexts.

  • Electronic Transactions: The Electronic Transactions Act 2010 provides legal recognition for:

  • Electronic records and signatures

  • Electronic contracts

  • Automated transactions

  • Electronic government services

Together, these common law principles and statutory provisions create a sophisticated legal framework for commercial transactions that balances freedom of contract with appropriate protections against unfair practices.

Employment Framework

The incorporation of Singapore's Employment Act and Employment of Foreign Manpower Act establishes a balanced framework for employer-employee relations and workforce development.

Local Employment Regulation

The Employment Act 1968 establishes comprehensive regulation of employment relationships, including:

Employment Terms and Conditions: The Act requires written key employment terms and regulates:

  • Working hours and rest days

  • Annual leave, sick leave, and public holidays

  • Salary payment and protection

  • Notice periods and termination procedures

Employee Protections: The Act provides protections against:

  • Unfair dismissal

  • Unauthorized deductions

  • Excessive working hours

  • Discrimination based on protected characteristics

Special Categories: The Act includes specific provisions for:

  • Part-time employees

  • Contract workers

  • Young persons

  • Older workers

Dispute Resolution: The Act establishes mechanisms for resolving employment disputes, including mediation, adjudication, and appeals processes.

This framework provides legal certainty for both employers and employees while allowing for adaptations to GMC circumstances through the qualifications in Section 4(3) of the Application of Laws Act.

Foreign Workforce Management

The Employment of Foreign Manpower Act 1990 provides a structured approach to recruiting and managing foreign workers. Key provisions include:

  • Work Pass System: The Act establishes different categories of work passes for various types of foreign employees, potentially including:

  • Professional/managerial passes for skilled workers

  • Mid-skilled worker permits

  • Work permits for less-skilled workers

Employer Obligations: The Act imposes obligations on employers of foreign workers, including:

  • Responsibility for repatriation

  • Provision of acceptable accommodation

  • Maintenance of medical insurance

  • Payment of required levies

Compliance and Enforcement: The Act establishes strong enforcement mechanisms, including:

  • Inspections and investigations

  • Administrative penalties

  • Criminal sanctions for serious violations

Dependency Passes: The framework typically includes provisions for dependents of eligible foreign workers.

The incorporation of this sophisticated foreign workforce management system provides the GMC with tools to attract international talent while maintaining appropriate controls and protections.

Taxation System

The incorporation of Singapore's tax statutes establishes a comprehensive but potentially competitive tax framework. While the statutory structure comes from Singapore, the GMC Authority retains the ability to set specific rates and exemptions through its legislative powers.

Income Tax

The Income Tax Act 1947 provides the framework for corporate and personal income taxation, including:

Corporate Taxation: The Act establishes principles for:

  • Corporate tax residency and liability

  • Deductible business expenses

  • Capital allowances for fixed assets

  • Relief for losses

  • Group relief provisions

  • Double taxation avoidance

Personal Taxation: The Act provides for:

  • Progressive personal tax rates

  • Personal reliefs and deductions

  • Treatment of various income types

  • Tax residence determination

Withholding Tax: The Act includes provisions for withholding tax on specified payments to non-residents.

International Provisions: The Act includes sophisticated provisions for:

  • Controlled foreign companies

  • Transfer pricing

  • Thin capitalization

  • Tax treaties

While adopting Singapore's tax structure, the GMC may establish different tax rates and incentives to create a competitive advantage while maintaining fiscal sustainability.

Goods and Services Tax

The Goods and Services Tax Act 1993 establishes a value-added tax system, including:

  • Registration Requirements: The Act determines which businesses must register for GST based on turnover thresholds.

  • Taxable Supplies: The Act defines which supplies of goods and services are subject to tax, exempt, or zero-rated.

  • Input Tax Credits: The Act establishes mechanisms for registered businesses to claim credits for GST paid on inputs.

  • Compliance Requirements: The Act sets out filing, payment, and record-keeping obligations.

This consumption tax framework provides an important revenue source while allowing for potential customization through zero-rating, exemptions, or differential rates for specific sectors.

Property and Transaction Taxes

The Property Tax Act 1960 and Stamp Duties Act 1929 establish frameworks for taxing real estate ownership and specified transactions:

  • Property Tax: The Act provides for annual taxation of real property based on annual value, with potential differentials between owner-occupied, investment, and commercial properties.

Stamp Duties: The Act imposes duties on specified instruments, potentially including:

  • Property conveyances and leases

  • Share transfers

  • Loan agreements

  • Insurance policies

These transaction taxes provide additional revenue sources while offering potential policy tools for influencing real estate and capital markets.

Financial Services Regulation

The incorporation of the ADGM financial services regulations establishes a sophisticated framework for financial activities within the GMC. This comprehensive regulatory system covers all major aspects of financial services:

Licensing and Authorization

The Financial Services and Markets Regulations 2015 establish a robust framework for licensing financial institutions, including:

Regulated Activities: The regulations define specific financial activities requiring authorization, potentially including:

  • Banking and deposit-taking

  • Insurance and reinsurance

  • Investment management and advice

  • Dealing in investments

  • Arranging deals in investments

  • Operating exchanges or trading venues

Payment services

Authorization Requirements: The regulations establish criteria for authorization, including:

  • Fit and proper assessments for controllers and officers

  • Capital and liquidity requirements

  • Risk management systems

  • Governance arrangements

  • Business plans and feasibility

Variation and Withdrawal: The regulations provide mechanisms for varying or withdrawing authorization based on changed circumstances or regulatory concerns.

This authorization framework ensures that only qualified entities engage in financial activities while maintaining proportionality through risk-based requirements.

Conduct Regulation

The Conduct of Business Rulebook (COBS) establishes comprehensive standards for business conduct, including:

Client Classification: The rules establish categories of clients (retail, professional, market counterparty) with differential protections.

Disclosure Requirements: The rules mandate transparent disclosure of:

  • Product features and risks

  • Fees and charges

  • Conflicts of interest

  • Financial promotions

Suitability and Appropriateness: The rules require assessment of product suitability for clients based on needs, objectives, and risk tolerance.

Client Asset Protection: The rules establish requirements for segregating and safeguarding client assets.

Record-Keeping: The rules mandate comprehensive record-keeping of client interactions and transactions.

These conduct requirements protect clients while establishing clear operational standards for financial institutions.

Prudential Regulation

The Prudential Rulebooks (PRU and PIN) establish robust requirements for financial institution safety and soundness:

Capital Requirements: The rules establish risk-based capital requirements for:

  • Banks and investment firms (PRU)

  • Insurance companies (PIN)

Liquidity Standards: The rules mandate adequate liquidity buffers for financial institutions.

Risk Management: The rules require sophisticated systems for managing:

  • Credit risk

  • Market risk

  • Operational risk

  • Liquidity risk

  • Insurance underwriting risk

Governance and Controls: The rules establish standards for:

  • Board composition and responsibilities

  • Risk governance

  • Internal controls

  • Compliance functions

  • Internal audit

These prudential requirements ensure financial institution resilience while maintaining proportionality through risk-based approaches.

Financial Crime Prevention

The Anti-Money Laundering and Sanctions Rules (AML) establish comprehensive requirements for preventing financial crime:

Customer Due Diligence: The rules mandate identification and verification of customers and beneficial owners.

  1. Risk Assessment: The rules require risk-based approaches to customer and transaction monitoring.

  2. Suspicious Activity Reporting: The rules establish obligations to report suspicious transactions.

  3. Record-Keeping: The rules mandate maintenance of comprehensive customer and transaction records.

  4. Sanctions Compliance: The rules require screening against applicable sanctions lists.

These requirements align with international standards while providing a robust framework for preventing misuse of the financial system.

Market Regulation

The Market Infrastructure Rulebook (MIR) and Market Rules (MKT) establish sophisticated regulation of capital markets:

Exchange Regulation: The rules establish requirements for:

  • Transparent and fair trading

  • Market surveillance

  • Member requirements

  • Trading rules and procedures

Clearing and Settlement: The rules establish standards for:

  • Central counterparty clearing

  • Settlement finality

  • Default management

  • Risk management

Securities Offerings: The rules establish disclosure requirements for:

  • Initial public offerings

  • Secondary offerings

  • Debt securities

  • Investment funds

Market Abuse: The rules prohibit and establish enforcement mechanisms for:

  • Insider dealing

  • Market manipulation

  • Unlawful disclosure of inside information

These market regulations create a foundation for developing sophisticated capital markets within the GMC.

Fund Regulation

The Fund Rules (FUNDS) establish a comprehensive framework for investment funds:

Fund Manager Requirements: The rules establish standards for:

  • Authorization of fund managers

  • Capital requirements

  • Risk management

  • Governance and control systems

Fund Categories: The rules establish different fund categories with proportionate requirements, potentially including:

  • Retail funds

  • Professional investor funds

  • Specialized funds (e.g., real estate, private equity)

  • Islamic funds

Operational Requirements: The rules establish standards for:

  • Fund valuation

  • Custody of assets

  • Related party transactions

  • Delegation of functions

Disclosure and Reporting: The rules mandate:

  • Prospectus disclosure

  • Periodic reporting to investors

  • Regulatory reporting

These fund regulations provide a sophisticated framework for developing a fund management industry within the GMC.

Special Features and Innovations

Mindfulness and Sustainability Integration

While the Application of Laws Act focuses on establishing the legal foundation for the GMC, its name—"Gelephu Mindfulness City"—suggests a distinctive emphasis on mindfulness principles. Though not explicitly addressed in the Act, this orientation may influence the interpretation and application of the incorporated laws, particularly through the qualifications that laws apply "subject to such modifications as the circumstances of the GMC may require."

Potential areas for integration of mindfulness and sustainability principles include:

  • Corporate Governance: Enhanced requirements for stakeholder consideration, sustainability reporting, and ethical business practices.

  • Financial Regulation: Potential development of sustainable finance frameworks, ESG disclosure requirements, and incentives for mindful investment.

  • Employment Practices: Adaptation of employment laws to support work-life balance, mindful workplace practices, and employee wellbeing.

  • Urban Development: Integration of mindfulness principles into land use regulation, building standards, and public space requirements.

The development of GMC-specific legislation and guidance in these areas would provide opportunities to operationalize mindfulness principles within the legal framework established by the Application of Laws Act.

Guidance Mechanism

Section 8's provision for GMC Authority guidance represents an innovative mechanism for clarifying and developing the legal framework. This guidance power, which extends beyond traditional statutory interpretation to include resolution of conflicts between legal sources, provides flexibility for addressing complexities in the hybrid system without requiring formal legislative amendments.

Potential applications of this guidance power include:

  • Sectoral Guidelines: Detailed guidance for specific industry sectors regarding applicable requirements and compliance approaches.

  • Interpretive Statements: Clarification of how incorporated provisions should be interpreted in the GMC context.

  • Conflict Resolution Frameworks: Structured approaches for resolving tensions between different legal sources.

  • Transition Roadmaps: Guidance on the gradual development of specialized institutions and the transition from consolidated to distributed governance.

The effective use of this guidance power will be crucial for providing legal certainty while maintaining flexibility in the evolving legal framework.

Legal Hybridization Approach

The GMC's approach to legal hybridization—selective incorporation of entire legal frameworks from different jurisdictions—represents a distinctive strategy compared to more common approaches to legal transplantation. Rather than adopting individual legal concepts or drafting GMC-specific legislation influenced by foreign models, the Act incorporates entire bodies of law from Singapore and ADGM while providing mechanisms for adaptation.

This approach offers several potential advantages:

  • Legal Certainty: Businesses can rely on established jurisprudence and commentary from the source jurisdictions.

  • Implementation Efficiency: The GMC can leverage existing regulatory experience and practices from Singapore and ADGM.

  • Dynamic Updating: The automatic incorporation of developments in source jurisdictions ensures the GMC framework remains current.

  • Adaptability: The qualifications and modification powers allow for customization to GMC circumstances while retaining the core frameworks.

The success of this innovative approach will depend on the GMC Authority's ability to manage potential tensions between different legal sources and adapt the incorporated frameworks to local circumstances while maintaining coherence.

Challenges and Future Developments

Institutional Development Timeline

While the Act clearly contemplates the gradual development of specialized institutions, it does not establish specific timelines or milestones for this institutional evolution. The development of a clear roadmap for institutional specialization—including the establishment of separate regulatory agencies and an independent judiciary—will be crucial for providing certainty regarding governance development.

Key considerations for institutional development include:

  • Sequencing: Which specialized institutions should be established first, based on immediate needs and capacity considerations?

  • Capacity Building: How will necessary expertise be developed or recruited for specialized functions?

  • Governance Frameworks: What mechanisms will ensure appropriate independence, accountability, and coordination among specialized institutions?

  • Transition Management: How will responsibilities be transferred from the consolidated Authority to specialized institutions without disrupting ongoing operations?

  • The resolution of these questions will be crucial for the GMC's long-term institutional development and governance credibility.

Judicial Development and Case Law Evolution

The development of an independent judiciary raises important questions about judicial selection, training, and the evolution of GMC-specific jurisprudence:

  • Judicial Selection: Will judges be appointed from Bhutan, Singapore, international sources, or a combination? What qualifications and experience will be required?

  • Judicial Training: How will judges be trained in the complex hybrid legal system, particularly regarding the adaptation of Singapore and ADGM law to GMC circumstances?

  • Precedent Management: How will GMC courts approach precedents from Singapore, ADGM, and potentially other jurisdictions? Will GMC decisions create binding precedent?

  • Appeals Structure: What appellate structure will be established, and will there be any relationship with Bhutanese appellate courts?

The resolution of these questions will be crucial for building a credible and effective judiciary that can provide authoritative interpretation of the hybrid legal framework.

Regulatory Coordination

The incorporation of regulatory frameworks from different sources raises challenges of coordination both within the GMC and with external jurisdictions:

  • Internal Coordination: As specialized regulatory agencies are established, mechanisms for coordination among these agencies will be crucial, particularly for cross-sectoral issues.

  • External Coordination: Relationships with regulators in Bhutan, Singapore, ADGM, and other jurisdictions will be important for effective regulation of cross-border activities.

  • International Standards Adoption: Decisions regarding adoption of international regulatory standards and participation in international regulatory bodies will shape the GMC's regulatory evolution.

  • Regulatory Innovation: Opportunities may exist for the GMC to develop innovative regulatory approaches that reflect its distinctive mindfulness orientation.

The development of sophisticated regulatory coordination mechanisms will be crucial for effective implementation of the complex hybrid framework.

Legal Education and Professional Development

The unique hybrid nature of the GMC legal system creates challenges and opportunities for legal education and professional development:

  1. Legal Training: How will lawyers and other legal professionals be trained in the distinctive GMC legal system? Will partnerships with Singaporean or ADGM institutions be established?

  2. Continuing Education: What ongoing professional development will be required as the legal system evolves?

  3. Legal Services Regulation: How will legal practice be regulated, and will foreign lawyers be permitted to practice GMC law?

  4. Legal Resources: What resources will be developed to support legal practice and research in the GMC system?

The development of a sophisticated legal education and professional development ecosystem will be crucial for building capacity to implement and develop the hybrid legal system.

Legislative Development Strategy

While the Act establishes a comprehensive framework through incorporation of foreign laws, the GMC will likely need to develop GMC-specific legislation in various areas:

  • Distinctive Sectors: Areas of particular importance to the GMC's development strategy may require specialized legislation.
  • Local Adaptations: Significant departures from incorporated frameworks may require GMC-specific legislation rather than relying on the modification provisions.

  • Non-Commercial Areas: Domains not covered by the incorporated commercial frameworks, such as environmental regulation, may require GMC-specific legislation.

  • Implementation Frameworks: Operational aspects of the legal system, such as court procedures and regulatory processes, may require detailed GMC-specific legislation.

The development of a clear legislative strategy—identifying priorities, approaches, and resources for GMC-specific legislation—will be crucial for the evolution of the legal system beyond its initial incorporated foundations.

Conclusion: A Bold Legal Experiment

The Application of Laws Act 2024 establishes a bold legal experiment in creating a hybrid jurisdiction that draws from diverse legal traditions to create a business-friendly and innovative legal environment. By selectively incorporating elements from Singapore and the ADGM while retaining connections to Bhutanese law, the GMC has created a unique legal identity that positions it as a potential bridge between different legal and commercial traditions.

The Act's sophisticated mechanisms for incorporation, adaptation, conflict resolution, and institutional development provide a comprehensive framework for establishing and evolving the GMC's legal system. The strategic selection of Singapore's commercial law framework and ADGM's financial regulatory system creates a solid foundation for business operations and investment attraction.

The success of this experiment will depend on several key factors:

  • Implementation Capacity: The GMC Authority's ability to effectively implement and administer this complex legal framework during the initial consolidated phase.

  • Institutional Development: The successful establishment of specialized institutions, particularly an independent judiciary and effective regulatory agencies.

  • Adaptation Balance: Finding the appropriate balance between faithful implementation of incorporated frameworks and adaptation to GMC circumstances.

  • Legal Certainty: Providing clear guidance and predictable application despite the complexity of the hybrid system.

  • Distinctive Identity: Developing a distinctive legal identity that reflects the GMC's mindfulness orientation while maintaining compatibility with international business expectations.

For international businesses and investors considering engagement with the GMC, this legal framework offers a promising combination of familiar international standards with innovative adaptations. The incorporation of sophisticated Singaporean and ADGM frameworks provides legal certainty and operational clarity, while the GMC's distinctive mindfulness orientation offers potential for innovative approaches to sustainable and ethical business development.

As the GMC develops and its legal system matures through practical application and jurisprudential development, it has the potential to emerge as a distinctive model for combining economic dynamism with mindfulness and sustainability—an experiment of significant interest not only for Bhutan but for the global exploration of alternative approaches to legal and economic development.

Appendix: Key GMC Laws and Regulations

Schedule A: Singapore Enactments

  • Companies Act 1967
  • Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 2007
  • Customs Act 1960
  • Electronic Transactions Act 2010
  • Employment Act 1968
  • Employment of Foreign Manpower Act 1990
  • Goods and Services Tax Act 1993
  • Immigration Act 1959
  • Income Tax Act 1947
  • Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act 2018
  • Interpretation Act 1965
  • Official Secrets Act 1935
  • Personal Data Protection Act 2012
  • Property Tax Act 1960
  • Sale of Goods Act 1979
  • Spam Control Act 2007
  • Stamp Duties Act 1929
  • Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977

Schedule B: Abu Dhabi Global Market Financial Services Regulations

Financial Services and Markets Regulations 2015 (including the following rules):

  1. Anti-Money Laundering and Sanctions Rules and Guidance (AML)
  2. Captive Insurance Business Rules (CIB)
  3. Conduct of Business Rulebook (COBS)
  4. Fund Rules (FUNDS)
  5. General Rulebook (GEN)
  6. Glossary (GLO)
  7. Market Infrastructure Rulebook (MIR)
  8. Market Rules (MKT)
  9. Prudential — Insurance Business (PIN)
  10. Prudential — Investment, Insurance Intermediation and Banking Rules (PRU)


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